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Sapphire Brown Granite


Sapphire Brown Granite Slabs, Tiles, Steps, Risers, Countertops, Blocks, Monuments, Window Sills, Wall Cladding & Flooring


Sapphire Brown granite is a very coarse-grained, brown-red cordialities of the Precambrian period with big, brown-red feldspar phenocrysts and blue-grey quartz. Sapphire Brown granite has a blue and brown backdrop. It has leucocratic color, coarse-grained providing equigranular texture. It’s essential felsic minerals are quartz and feldspar. Ideal for adorning the granite floor tiles of high-traffic zones, this granite adds a dynamic and ever-lasting appearance to your space. Due to its extreme durability and easy-to-clean structure, the granite is perfect for kitchen countertops or for customizing any tabletop. This brown granite tile goes perfect in conjunction with fine wood furniture, and contemporary elements in chrome and glassy metals. With its elegant texture, the granite is perfect for wall cladding and patios.


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