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Crystal Blue Granite


Crystal Blue Granite Slabs, Tiles, Steps, Risers, Countertops, Blocks, Monuments, Window Sills, Wall Cladding & Flooring


Crystal Blue is quarried from a bedrock quarry in India. This granite has a creamy, white background tone and will have large blue crystals randomly spread around the slab. The black biotite crystals give this granite a three dimensional look. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the stone to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the stone. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during additional finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone. Due to the qualities of the stone, the slabs are book-matched; meaning slab one and slab two will be cut and polished to create a mirror image of each other. These are then kept in sequence, which allows for a consistent flow pattern. Finally, a mesh backing is adhered to the back of the stone to ensure safety while handling and fabricating the slab.


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